
All members of the Camp Staff are responsible for carrying out the Mission of St. Vladimir’s Camp, which is to present to young people a living experience of the Holy Orthodox Faith in their relationship with God and other campers in an uncluttered, natural environment. They must help strengthen the Camper’s grasp of the basics of the Christian life: participation in the liturgical, sacramental, and ascetical life of the Church and living in community with fellow members of the Body of Christ with peace towards all of God’s creation.

Counselor Age:

For St. Vladimir’s Camp Session 1 & 2 must be at least 18 and have graduated High School.

For National Junior Summer Sports Tournament (NJSST) which is sponsored by the National F.O.C.A. and held at St. Vladimir’s Camp  must be 21 years of age.


Arrival date for Counsel Staff is the Saturday prior to your start week.  Any and all anticipated absences must be requested in writing with this application.  No exceptions to these procedures will be permitted. Emergency leave absences during the camping season are granted at the discretion of the Camp Director.


Counselors will receive a minimum stipend


A completed application includes one recommendation/reference letter completed by your parish priest. It is your responsibility to either collect the completed, sealed references and include them with your application or make sure they are sent to the Camp off season office  by the appropriate deadline or email them to [email protected] and a follow-up phone call to each reference may be necessary to ensure that they have responded to the request! Please carefully follow the instructions given on the recommendation/reference forms.


All applications must be postmarked no later than May 31.

Notification of acceptance for Counselor positions on or before June 10th.

A completed application must include the following:

A completed and signed Staff/Counselor Application Form (either online or mailed in).

A photocopy of any relevant certifications (CPR, Lifeguarding, etc.) (mailed in)

One recommendation/reference forms  one from your parish priest (mailed in or emailed)

* All items must be submitted in order to receive consideration for employment

Selection Applications will be judged based on information provided from the following sources: performance evaluations from any previous experience as an St. Vladimir’s Camp CIT or staff member; phone interview (for new applicants), the skills and interest in skills in the various activity areas; the neatness, promptness and completeness of the application; the insight provided by the essays; willingness to serve in areas requiring extra training; and the testimony of the references.

COUNSELOR General Responsibilities

¨ Live with and provide for the needs of seven to eighteen campers in each cabin and cooperate with another Co-Counselor in the cabin

¨ Cooperate with Program Staff in carrying out programs.

¨ Simultaneously fulfill the roles of father, mother, big brother/sister, teacher, coach, friend and police officer.

¨ Handle Camper issues brought by CITs,  and Campers throughout the day.

¨ Plan and organize some group Activities.

¨ Attend evening staff meetings

¨ Be in cabin when campers are in cabin

¨ Be in bed by curfew